Thursday, October 22, 2009

Today in language arts

Today in class we did a story map on Nelson Mandela. Nelson Mandela was a man who wanted to have equal rights in South Africa. Mandela had great courage to fight for his country when he knew he could go to jail. Back then whites controlled the government of South Africa. It was all about racial segregation. I think this story is boring, but Mandela had some encouraging words in this book. Some of his words were, "My country is rich in minerals and gems, but I have always known that its greatest wealth is its people". Those words show Mandela is proud of his country. He is saying that without the people in Africa, his county is nothing. Nelson Mandela was a strong brave man.Did you know he went to jail for 25 years, for fighting for his people's rights? After jail Mandela became president in 1994. That was 3 years before I was born. After being president, Thabo Mbeke became the next president.

1 comment:

  1. hey dante it's Alexis Bah i like your blog its cool lol and i didn't like this story either because it was soo boring because all it said was facts and stuff that he said and thats soooo boring man well ok bye-bye
    =)Alexis BAH
